Wisma Airlangga, located on Tlogo Putri Street, was founded in 1942. It
has a New Indies architectural style. Its distinctive feature is the bearing
wall structure from brick. Tropical adaptation is done with a wider roof
surface. The Art Deco element can be seen from the AIRLANGGA writing ornament
above the entrance.
Wisma Airlangga is believed to be the house that was once occupied by
Masdoelhak Nasoetion, an adviser, government secretary, and a close friend of
vice president M. Hatta. He was part of the Indonesian delegation during the
Kaliurang Agreements, which discussed the independence of the Republic of
Indonesia. On December 21, 1948, Masdoelhak Nasoetion was kidnapped from his
home in Kaliurang by Dutch soldiers during the Second Military Aggression in
front of his three children. The three children were later rescued by the
family cook. Masdoelhak was taken to a bamboo forest and executed without
judgment. At the same time, his wife Adriana van der Have was hospitalized with
a postpartum fever; she came home and found her husband missing. Not only
because the murder was in one of the highest political turbulences in
Indonesia, but this case also resulted in the first legal defeat of the Dutch
State after Adriana filed a lawsuit in 1953 and became the first Indonesian war
victim to reach a settlement with the Netherlands.
Airlangga, terletak di Jalan Tlogo Putri, didirikan tahun 1942. Memiliki gaya
arsitektur Hindia Baru. Ciri khasnya yaitu dinding berstruktur bearing wall berbahan bata. Adaptasi
tropisnya dilakukan dengan permukaan atap yang lebih luas. Elemen Art Deco terlihat dari ornamen tulisan
AIRLANGGA di atas pintu masuk.
Airlangga diyakini sebagai rumah yang pernah dihuni oleh Masdoelhak Nasoetion,
seorang penasihat, sekretaris pemerintah, dan teman dekat wakil presiden M.
Hatta. Ia merupakan bagian dari delegasi Indonesia saat Perundingan Kaliurang,
yang membahas berdirinya Republik Indonesia. Pada 21 Desember 1948, Masdoelhak
Nasoetion diculik dari rumahnya di Kaliurang oleh tentara Belanda pada masa
Agresi Militer II di depan ketiga anaknya. Ketiga anaknya kemudian diselamatkan
oleh juru masak keluarga. Masdoelhak dibawa ke hutan bambu dan dieksekusi tanpa
penghakiman. Di saat yang sama, istrinya Adriana van der Have dirawat di rumah
sakit karena demam pasca-persalinan; ia pulang dan mendapati suaminya
menghilang. Tidak hanya karena pembunuhan tersebut berada di salah satu masa
pusaran politik tertinggi di Indonesia, kasus ini juga menyebabkan kekalahan
hukum pertama dari Negara Belanda setelah Adriana mengajukan gugatan pada tahun
1953 dan menjadi korban perang Indonesia pertama yang mencapai penyelesaian
dengan Belanda.